Workloads everywhere!

We enable the execution of any type of workload in the cloud and at the edge combining open-source and custom components tailored to the application needs.

Systems software

The core component that enables interoperability in the deployment of any application is the baker. Given a binary application, the system generates a single binary image, deployable on any generic hypervisor, by merging all dependencies of an application into a single, bootable kernel. Users are able to enjoy reproducible and secure execution either in Cloud or at the Edge.

Lightweight execution

Users upload their application or can choose from a marketplace, containing open-source or proprietary applications (generic or user-defined). This application is then deployed on-prem, or in popular cloud providers at marginal cost.

Hardware Acceleration

Applications benefit from hardware accelerators (GPUs, TPUs, FPGAs, TPUs etc.) thanks to our custom abstraction that enables the exposure of coarse-grained acceleration to workloads running in virtualized environments. Deploy your ML model and perform inference instantly on any compatible serverless platform!

Virtualization Systems Research

We design, develop, and optimize systems software for numerous use-cases.

Virtualization Research

We collaborate with academic institutions and R&D departments, to conduct systems research and move beyond the state-of-the-art on systems design and implementation.

Low-level systems development

With our expertise in low-level systems software, distributed systems and security, we are building a powerful set of tools which we combine to deliver bespoke virtualisation solutions.

Application porting

We work with customers to finetune applications with satellite micro-services running as unikernels, with minimal overhead and near-instant response/response round-trip times.

Deployment & Maintenance

We design, deploy, and maintain the necessary tools & dashboards for your application workflow in various environments: the cloud, on-prem or at the edge. Managing the application execution in any environment has never been easier!

Novel solutions based on stable building blocks

The building blocks of our offering are based on well-established technology. The integration of unikernel technology with efficient/lightweight virtualization and the addition of hardware acceleration for applications differentiates NUBIS from the state of practice:

  • We reduce the runtime memory footprint, the attack surface and guarantee execution reproducibility by adding unikernels to the serverless software stack
  • We reduce the overhead needed to ensure secure multi-tenancy by employing lightweight virtualization mechanisms, so hardware resources are utilized at 100% without sacrificing performance for the end-user
  • Adding hardware acceleration to the mix boosts NUBIS’ solution, not only as an enabling factor, but also as a scale-out/scale-up hybrid execution model.

Embracing the open-source ecosystem

We are day-to-day users of open-source software. We develop, build on top of, maintain, and promote open-source software. Currently, we actively use and contribute to the following projects:

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About us

Our team has more than 20 years of experience in designing, building, and maintaining multi-stack systems, with a strong academic and industry background. Our expertise ranges from systems software to runtime systems and HPC applications. We have been involved in engineering teams that brought research tech to market, as well as conducting research, acknowledged by refereed publications in academic consortia. We are based in Athens, Greece, but welcome remote members. Currently, members of our team are also working from the UK and Spain.
Use the form on the right to schedule a demo of our offering to reduce the cost of your cloud bill and unleash the full potential of your applications!

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